Nepbridge Spring Clean Project Participation

Well , you’re out with your community, finding like-minded people and possibly making great friends. And you are also making the difference…Isn’t that a fun thing to do?

That’s why Project like “Spring Clean Project” organized by Rushmore council on 23rd March 2019 not only help keep neighbourhood safe and clean, but also aims to keep community together.

Nepbridge greatest strength comes from the community! We like giving back to the community in any shape and form. About 4 hours , around Aldershot Prospect centre area Nebridge alongside Nava Yuwa, Greater Rushmore Nepalese community, Rotary club and Rushmore Borough Council representative volunteered in this cleaning project to make community healthy and pollution free. It was great a experience for us , to be able to come together in small groups to help keep the environment clean.

A message from us on this “For the health of the environment Do not throw litter in your yard, in streets, or in public places. Please use litter bin or recycling bin”

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